Work from home? Hit happy hour!
Mayor Jeff Huff (left) joined Castle Pines resident and City Councilman Geoff Blue at a happy hour at Duke’s last month along with Kimberly Pfauth of Luxury Moving Solutions, and Councilperson Tera Radloff (right). Blue hopes to join forces with others who work from home for socializing and for sharing in other common interests.
Article and photo by Kathy Fallert
Forest Park resident and attorney Geoff Blue decided to join the ranks of self-employed residents who work from home last January. At the time, Blue didn’t know many people in Castle Pines and decided to start up a monthly happy hour to connect with other workers-from-home and make new friends.
Blue says, “As a Type A personality, not having an outlet for my social side was difficult. My wife suggested that I start a happy hour for people who work from home. I thought it was a great idea!” Blue is one of two partners in his own law firm. Both partners work out of their homes as does their staff.
The happy hour group is starting to get off the ground. Blue, father of a 6-year-old daughter, remarked, “My goal is to provide a social outlet for those of us who live in the Castle Pines area and work out of our homes. I suspect that we all face similar issues working at home especially those of us with young kids. Being able to talk to others who are experiencing the same difficulties, such as taking a conference call on a snow day would really help!”
There are a surprising number of self-employed people living in the Castle Pines community; everything from stay-at-home parents with a business on the side to telecommuters who choose to work from a home office. This demographic of individuals includes a wide range of realtors, licensed professionals, and home-based businesses.
The work from home happy hour gatherings (also known as WFH ) are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at Duke’s Steakhouse in Castle Pines. The next scheduled get-together will be on Tuesday, December 16.
WFH welcomes one and all to join in on the camaraderie. If you work from home and are interested in getting out a bit more for an adult beverage or just some good old fashioned adult conversation, contact Blue by e-mail.