What’s all the hoopla about? Streaming movies from the library, that’s what!
Article and photos by Lisa Crockett
Movies, television shows, music and audiobooks are now available to the community free of charge and require nothing more than a current library card. Library patrons now have access to streaming from “hoopla,” a vast catalog of media materials that are easy to access and are available for use on most computers and mobile devices.
An unlimited number of copies are available to the library, so there are never any waiting lists. Start streaming immediately, or download a title to your phone or tablet for offline viewing later. At the end of the lending period, materials are automatically returned so there are never any late fees.
Library card holders can instantly stream or temporarily download titles for later viewing with no waiting periods.
Movies are a hot item at the Castle Pines Library, with more than 2,000 DVDs on loan on any given day. In the month of February (the last month for which figures were available) the Castle Pines Library checked out 6,757 DVDs. This new service expands on the popularity of those materials.
“A service such as this drives business to the library,” said Cherie Ellingson, the Branch Program Liaison at the Castle Pines Library. “Douglas County Libraries works hard to ensure we offer relevant services for our technology-driven patrons.”
For more information about hoopla or other services offered by Douglas County Libraries, visit www.dclibraries.org.
Patrons at the Castle Pines Library queue up on Wednesday mornings before opening time at 9 a.m. in order to have access to new DVD releases. A new streaming service called “hoopla” is now available through the library to provide patrons with another way to access movies, television shows, music and Audio Books.