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We Love Our Castle Pines Pets … Who’s Your Favorite?

Article by Terri Wiebold with photos submitted by adoring pet owners all throughout the Castle Pines community

The Castle Pines Connetion partnered with The Pet Stuff Place in Castle Pines Village and went in search of the “Cutest Pet in the Pines.” Thanks to all who shared photos of your furry friends…here are our top 40 picks!

Selecting just one winner turned out to be too daunting a task for this editor, so I solicited the help of The Pet Stuff owner, Sharon Adams, and my children in picking thier favorites. During the process, we decided to add five “runner up” photos. Some were selected because they were cute pets; some because they were great pictures or fun action shots; and others just because they made us smile.

Many of the pictures displayed here are much cuter in their full size, color versions, and the full content of the pictures can not be seen here. We were able to fully see details like Rufus’ green-stained legs and paws from “helping” to mow the lawn; the majestic view Spanky is taking in from his proch in Daniel’s Gate, the Fronteir Airlines plane that Badger is photoshopped onto the tail of; Riley’s fuzzy green Martian ears; Gizmo’s hot pink feather boa to explore his feminine side; and the giant orange carrot Moose is devouring.

Congratulations to The Tankersley Family in Castle Pines North for winning the first place $50 gift certificate to The Pet Stuff Place. Your golden retreiver “Bean” (in bubbles) was just too adorable to pass up!

Runner’s up each received a $10 gift certificate to The Pet Stuff Place and included the Merrill family (Bella), the Dunbar family (Angel), The Bac family (Rigby), Katy Parsons (Abby & Chloe), and the Grega family (Rio & Cali).

The Castle Pines Connection plans to expand the pet section of the paper and anticipates bringing more pet-related events and activities to the Castle Pines community in the future.

For information about The Pet Stuff Place, visit


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