Water district developing plan to tap renewable sources
By Steve Baska
The Castle Pines North Metropolitan District (CPNMD)’s effort to transition the residents of Castle Pines from unsustainable well water in the Denver Basin Aquifer System to renewable water has resulted in its necessity to develop, refine, and adopt a comprehensive and actionable Strategic Renewable Water Implementation Program.
CPNMD is currently holding a series of public board meetings as it discusses and decides the best options for renewable water sources by examining factors such as costs and supplies. When these meetings are complete on November 5, the board will then present the desired options to the public.
“The board will explain why it arrived at the recommendations that it did, and it will use an open process to get the community involved,” said Ken Smith, director of communications for the district. “For example, we’ll talk about the costs and whether we want to achieve a 100 percent renewable source or an 85 percent renewable source, considering that an 85 percent source may have considerable cost savings.”
CPNMD will use public meetings, bill inserts, broadcast e-mails, and other means to inform and invite the public into the decision-making process. The upcoming public meetings, during which the board will study the supply options in October and November, will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on these dates: Monday, October 7; Monday, October 28; and Monday, November 4. Meetings are held at the Castle Pines community center, 7404 Yorkshire Drive in Castle Pines.
For more information, including agendas of the meetings, visit www.cpnmd.org.