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Timber Trail Plans to Go Year-Round in 2005

As our community continues to grow, so does the number of students in our local schools. Several residents have recently expressed concerns regarding capacity issues, and class sizes at some grade levels, at both Buffalo Ridge and Timber Trail.

As of press time, Timber Trail Elementary has approximately 515 students enrolled for the 2004 school year. “This year we have full enrollment at our school and we are already over our projections,” said Lisa Phillips, Timber Trail Principal.

Phillips said Timber Trail plans to switch to the four-track system for the 2005 school year. “We will have one more year on a traditional school year calendar,” said Phillips.

The four-track system allows elementary schools to accommodate 25 percent more students in the same building. At alternating times during the year, three tracks are in session, and one track is on break. Buffalo Ridge Elementary, which opened in 1997, has been on a four-track schedule since the 1999-2000 school year.

Concerned parents should talk with their school principal regarding any issues specific to their child’s particular needs. The CPN Master Association will soon began working with both schools, and with the Douglas County School District, regarding overall planning for school capacity need within our community. If you would be interested in helping with this effort, please call 303-482-3078 or send an e-mail to


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