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Third Annual Sweet Hearts Ball

The Children’s Hospital of Colorado is the principal sponsor of the Third Annual Sweet Hearts Ball to be held Saturday evening, February 12th at The Renaissance Hotel.

All proceeds will be used to purchase Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Colorado schools.  The Ball is being organized through the combined efforts of the South Metro Safety Foundation, The Kick Start My Heart Foundation, The Brianna Badger Foundation, the Dan Lunger Memorial Fund, the South Metro Fire Rescue Authority, the Renaissance Hotel, and Kids 1st.

Tickets to this year’s semi-formal Sweet Hearts Ball include dinner, auction, and dancing. Please consider helping us meet this need by purchasing a table or buying a ticket to the event.   We would also appreciate items to place in the auction to assist with raising funds to purchase AEDs for schools.

For more information or tickets, call 303-805-0228 for tickets, or visit


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