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Tea brings DCS Montessori students and cultures together

Fourth through sixth grade students represented several Asian countries at their international tea as part of DCSM’s “learning in their world” focus.

By Lynne Marsala Basche; photos courtesy of DCS Montessori

Memories were made and information was shared at the DCS Montessori (DCSM) annual international tea.  This year’s sweet tradition focused on Asia, and the upper elementary students were excited to share their knowledge along with their hospitality.

Seven groups of fourth through sixth grade students represented Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Korea, India, Mongol, China and Russia.  As part of

DCSM’s “learning in their world” focus, students researched historical, environmental, social and economic development, as well as the cultural aspects of their country.

Each country group consisted of a mix of grades, and the students were responsible for planning and executing the presentation.  Groups had to work together to create successful projects.  Students were required to wear authentic attire, prepare an informational display board, memorize a speech, and demonstrate serving tea and treats using a tea set.

Third grade students participated in the tea and enjoyed the presentations along with some sweet treats from the country hosts.

Regarding the international tea, teacher and organizer Ryoko Fusatani believes Maria Montessori’s philosophy that  “Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.”

The international tea was certainly an interactive experience filled with knowledge and the spicy aromas of exotic and tasty teas and treats.

Alexandra Sayeedi (in the red sari on the right) and her group were excited to share their newfound knowledge with third graders and staff.

Madelyn Harris shared historical, environmental, social and economic information about Turkey.


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