Take a swing at the The X Drive Classic
Participants in the 2015 X Drive Classic form a symbolic X (for Fragile X Syndrome and X Drive Classic) – a tradition that started at the first tournament.
By Elean Gersack; photo courtesy of Maria Gair
The third annual X Drive Classic Golf Tournament is slated for Monday, August 1. Save the date, and register now to play for a wonderful cause.
Castle Pines Village residents Kari and Matt Ansay started the X Drive Classic in 2014 to support The Joshua School (TJS), the beloved school for their daughter Jessica. TJS is located in Denver and is committed to helping each individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities attain the highest quality of life, valuing each unique mind, body and spirit.
Having two children with Fragile X Syndrome, the leading genetic cause of Autism, the Ansay’s are steadfast in their commitment to providing the best life possible for them as well as their three other children. TJS has been instrumental in helping Jessica overcome countless challenges and blossom into a joyous and precious almost nine-year-old girl.
“The Joshua School gives us hope and faith not only for Jessica, but for every child that walks through their magical doors. We are overjoyed for the life they have breathed into Jessica and grateful for the positive impact they have had on our family,” shared the Ansays.
The first two tournaments raised more than $67,000 in total, so this year’s event could help put them close to the $100,000 mark. All are invited to play or just have dinner and support TJS. The cost to play and eat is $250 per person ($1,000 for a foursome). Dinner only is just $75. Sponsorships and donations are much appreciated, too.
To learn more about TJS, register to play, or sponsor the event with a donation, visit www.xdriveclassic.com. Visit the X Drive Classic on Facebook at www.facebook.com/xdriveclassic.