Spring baseball at RCHS in full swing
City of Castle Pines HOA2 resident and RCHS senior Andrew Nicklanovich
advances to first base after a skillfully-executed bunt last season.
By Lisa Nicklanovich; photo courtesy of Julie Lamb
Baseball season means spring is here and the Rock Canyon High School (RCHS) baseball team has been working hard for months preparing for the start of the season on March 1. Head baseball coach Tyler Munro said, “The kids have worked extremely hard and the coaches are very encouraged about what we have for this year and for the future of Rock Canyon baseball.”
Upcoming varsity games at RCHS are listed below. Visit continentalleague.org for the most current game information as well as the schedule for junior varsity, sophomore, and freshmen teams.
Tuesday, March 11 – 4:00 p.m. vs. Denver East
Monday, March 17 – 4:15 p.m. vs. Arvada West
Wednesday, March 19 – 4:15 p.m. vs. Pine Creek
Friday, March 21 – 4:15 p.m. vs Rampart
Come out to the RCHS baseball field, located between Rocky Heights Middle School and the high school, and enjoy the sights and sounds of America’s favorite pastime, as well as the peanuts and hot dogs. The season promises to be exciting with 15 seniors expected to play.