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Snow Removal Guidelines for the City of CPN

Sandy Gamble – HOA#1

Jordan Colling – HOA#1

by Terri Wiebold

The past few months have brought many changes to Castle Pines North, including a welcome change in seasons. This winter CPN residents have seen blankets upon blankets of white snow. Many have asked what impact, if any, becoming a city will have on snow removal procedures in CPN.

The answer is that there will be NO changes to the procedures currently in place. Snow removal in CPN is a community-wide effort with responsibility shared by many parties:

The Douglas County Public Works Department plows most public streets in CPN. Due to specialized equipment, logistics, timing, available funding and manpower concerns, a snow removal priority has been assigned to each street.

County-maintained roads are plowed based on the following prioritization criteria:

1. Arterial Roadways

Arterials are major roadways having high traffic volumes over medium to long distances and are used for inter-regional, inter-county, and intra-county travel needs.

2. Collector Roadways/School bus routes

Collectors distribute traffic between arterial and local roads, serve as main connectors within subdivisions, and linking subdivisions together. Collectors usually do not provide direct access to private property.

3. Local Roadways

Local roads provide for low-to medium-traffic volumes within subdivisions and provide direct access to residences or private property.

4. Cul-de-sacs

Once arterial roadways are cleared, equipment is deployed to clear collector roadways and school bus routes. Residential roadways and cul-de-sacs are addressed when arterial and collector roadways are completed. Douglas County Public Works will continue to provide snow removal to CPN for at least one year following incorporation. For more information, please contact Douglas County Public Works Operations at 303-660-7480.

The Castle Pines North Metro District is responsible for plowing sidewalks and trails along major streets and in parks in the community. For questions regarding snow removal on CPN’s open spaces and trails, please contact the Metro District Parks & Open Space Manager, Charlie Fagan, at 303-688-8550, ext. 20.

Neighborhood HOAs are responsible for snow removal on any private streets, sidewalks and trails along designated HOA common areas, as well as driveways and sidewalks of town homes and patio homes. For single-family homes, individual homeowners are responsible for removing snow and ice along sidewalks adjacent to homes.

Because snow removal responsibilities in CPN vary by neighborhood, the Master Association has established a neighborhood-specific directory on its website for homeowners to reference. Go to and click on the “contacts/services” link, and then click on the “snow removal” link.


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