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Second Wind Golf Tournament Kiwanis Club to host fifth annual event

by Terri Wiebold

The Kiwanis Club of Douglas County will host its fifth annual golf tournament at the Perry Park Country Club in Larkspur on August 31. The cost is $175 per person, which includes an amazing day of golf – including cart, range balls, a “goodie bag” and lunch. Proceeds from the tournament go to the Castle Pines Kiwanis Foundation, with the primary benefactor being The Second Wind Fund of Douglas County.

Second Wind of Douglas County provides free counseling to high-risk children and teens identified by schools, doctors, hospitals or churches. It also provides training for teachers, administrators, and custodians to help identify at-risk youth.

Daniel Cook, spokesperson and former president for The Kiwanis Club of Douglas County said, “We are growing and our ability to impact the lives of these youth is increasing.”

Cook estimates that entering into its fifth year, the program is receiving three to four times more referrals than it was even two years ago. To date, 89 young people in Douglas County have participated in the program with a one hundred percent success rate. Almost 300 teachers, administrators and custodians have also received the training, said Cook.

For more information about The Kiwanis Club of Douglas County, or to register for the golf tournament, visit


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