Sage Canyon community warms hearts and bodies
More than 200 scarves decorated the halls of Sage Canyon Elementary school before they were donated to the Douglas County’s Department of Human Services.
By Lynne Marsala Basche; photos courtesy of Sage Canyon Elementary School
With the idea that artwork can be both beautiful and powerful by using it to help others, the Sage Canyon Elementary School community participated in an art project to benefit those in need. More than 200 scarves and hats were donated to Douglas County’s Department of Human Services.
Stephanie Stoner, Sage Canyon’s art teacher, has been fascinated by the concept of using art to help people. Stoner attended a job-alike day session where yarn bombing was featured, and the idea captured her spirit. (Yarn bombing is a type of street art that uses colorful, knitted or crocheted yarn installations to decorate public space.) Stoner took the idea a step further by deciding the artwork could be on display and then used to benefit the community.
The project came together when Stoner asked for volunteers from the Sage Canyon community, including parents, as well as her Facebook community. The request was simple; to help make 200 scarves and hats, and the response was great. Crafters could decide on colors, designs and mediums.
Parents, students, teachers and the Sage Canyon community helped make Douglas County a warmer place.
The year-long project included knitted and crochet scarves and hats, as well as silk and decorative scarves. Stoner mentioned that a woman who helped through Facebook even donated some scarves she purchased while in Paris.
The scarf project allowed the students to realize that they could use their artwork to make a difference in the world. “It was creative, artistic and unique,” said student Isabel M. “It warmed my heart because it shows how people care.”
Stoner started incorporating the idea of philanthropy through creativity while teaching two years ago, and she is already planning future projects along this line for Sage Canyon. If all goes as Stoner hopes, next year the community will be working on a weaving project using recyclable materials to make mats for animal shelters or the homeless or even creating their own empty bowl event.