Rainwater Harvesting Workshop
By Elizabeth Wood West
Capturing rainwater in a barrel is an old practice and has recently made a come-back. Rainwater is a renewable water source; the simplicity of collecting and reusing it is something anyone can do. Many big box stores now carry rain barrels in different sizes and materials. However, most people may not be aware that under Colorado water law, it is illegal to capture rainwater unless you meet certain criteria and apply and receive a permit to do so.
To find out more about rainwater harvesting, the Douglas County Conservation District and the Rural Water Authority of Douglas County are sponsoring a Rainwater Harvesting Workshop on Saturday, June 8, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., to be held in Kirk Hall at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Castle Rock. The registration deadline for the workshop is June 4. The cost is $25 per individual and $40 per couple, and includes refreshments and lunch.
Guest speakers include Hari Krishna, Ph.D., Billy Kniffen, MS, Kevin Rein, P.E. and a staff member from the Colorado Water Conservation Board. Dr. Krishna holds a Ph.D. in agriculture and irrigation engineering, is a registered engineer and hydrologist, and is the founder of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA). Kniffen has served as Agrilife Extension’s statewide resource specialist focusing on rainwater harvesting and created a rainwater harvesting certification program for instructors at Texas A & M University. Rein is the deputy state engineer at the Colorado Division of Water Resources.
The afternoon program will include a hands-on demonstration of rain barrel, drip irrigation, wildlife watering, and indoor usage systems. For more information, contact Pam Brewster at 303-688-3042, extension 100, or by e-mail at pam.brewster@co.nacdnet.net.