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Printer challenges tackled; next steps

Special thanks to our awesome production team at Publication Printers for helping us come up with a solution to our recent printing challenge.

Last month, we shared with readers the disappointing news that the company that printed our newspaper closed its doors and that we were in search of a new printer. We are happy to report that we have signed a contract with Adams Publishing Group, and this September issue is the first paper they have printed for us. You may notice a few slight changes – like the type of paper and the tabs keeping the E Guide from slipping out since we had to change some of our processes. We will continue to print the E Guide magazine insert locally with Denver-based Publication Printers.

Due to the nature of our “old school” printing process, there were only a handful of companies from which to choose that could handle our web press newspaper print job, so we had to go to Wyoming – but only after an exhaustive search in Colorado!  Thank you to the many community members who read the story and reached out to us with potential solutions, and to those of you who signed up for our free e-subscription. We will send you the digital version of the newspaper and the E Guide, while continuing our commitment to printing and direct mailing it to you every month.

Now, the biggest challenge we face is the increased cost of printing, coupled with the ever-rising cost of postage. This is where our business partners come in, and where you as readers can help

The Castle Pines Connection operations – including paying our amazing staff – are funded solely by advertising. Every business that is featured in these pages has made a commitment to the 80108 community. They invest their marketing dollars with us and in you, and knowing that their money is well-spent goes a long way toward ensuring their support going forward. Please take the time to thank them and call upon them for your service and retail needs. Be sure to tell them you saw their ad in The Connection and that you appreciate their participation in advertising. Without it, we could not exist. 

Unfortunately, as a result of all the recent changes, the cost of advertising for them is going to go up. We have only raised our ad rates once in 15 years, so this increase is necessary. Your encouragement and patronage will help in their decisions to hopefully continue to partner with us.

Another way you can lend your support is by participating in our voluntary subscription, which is $5/month, or $60/year (see link at the bottom of this page). While our advertisers fund the production, printing and postage of the newspaper, the voluntary subscription allows us to give back to the community in a very meaningful way through the E Guide – all things Eating, Entertainment and Events. It is what allows us to offer our local chambers, nonprofit partners, churches and schools discounts to promote their community events, programming, charity golf tournaments and fundraising galas. It also supports the two-page calendar in the center spread of the E Guide and gives local restaurants an affordable way to reach you.

We hope you will consider participating financially on a voluntary basis so that we may continue to provide these important services. If you are able to contribute, thank you; we appreciate your support.  And, we look forward to continuing to deliver “a little good news” to you every month.

CLICK HERE to contribute.

Article and photo by Terri Wiebold



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