News from DCS Montessori School
by Elean Gersack
2007-2008 School Year Applications and Tours
DCS Montessori will accept 2007-2008 applications for three – year – old preschool through sixth grade now through February 15, 2007. DCS Montessori utilizes a waitlist and lottery to fill open spots within the school. To download an application form, visit, and click on “enrollment.”
Tours of the school are available by appointment. Please call 303-387-5625 to schedule a tour at one of the upcoming sessions held from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on: December 7, December 12, January 11, January 23, February 6, February 8, February 13, and February 15.
Volunteer at School
Come join the fun. Volunteer to work weekly or monthly – this is a great opportunity for retirees, or others who just want to help. Volunteers can help supervise the lunch line (call Barb at 303-663-9393), help students find books in the library (call Kellie at 303-663-6987), help sixth grade students put together the school yearbook (call Meg at 303-663-6868), help teachers with typing, copying or laminating (training will be provided), or help students with one-on-one reading or math assistance (call Kim Nelson, Volunteer Coordinator, at 303-792-9028.)
Part-Time Hiring Opportunity
DCS Montessori is hiring a part-time lunch assistant. Work hours are approximately 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each day school is in session. Pay is $9 per hour. Call Ann Durrett at 303-387-0329 for details.