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News from Buffalo Ridge Elementary

Buffalo Ridge Brownie Troop 628 fills pillowcases for The Women’s Crisis and Outreach Center (photo courtesy
of the Harper family.)

Buffalo Ridge Gold Rush: Staking Our Claim for the Future!

Save the date for the Buffalo Ridge Silent Auction on April 21, 2007. The event will be held at The Sanctuary and will benefit the school’s technology and science curriculum. Families are encouraged to donate items for the auction or volunteer time to help with the event.

Tickets will go on sale in February at the school office. Space is limited, so purchase tickets early. What could be better – helping to raise money for the school and having a fabulous night out at The Sanctuary at the same time! For more information, contact Colette Celecki at or 303-688-6610.

Brownie Troop Reaches Out to Women’s Crisis and Family Outreach Center in Castle Rock

In November, Brownie Troop #628, based out of Buffalo Ridge Elementary, provided some comfort for those in need. Women and children in need of shelter at the Women’s Crisis and Family Outreach Center in Castle Rock were welcomed with pillowcases full of books, toothpaste, shampoo, stuffed animals, puzzles and more. (See photo above right.)

Character Counts for February and March

The character trait for February is Fairness symbolized by the color orange. In March, the character trait is Caring represented by the color red. Dress in the monthly trait each Wednesday to show support for the character counts program.

Save those Box Tops and Ink Jet Printer Cartridges!
Save box tops and used ink jet printer cartridges to benefit the school. Collection boxes are located in the main lobby near the media center. For more information about the Box Tops for Education program, visit

CSAP Testing

The following CSAP testing takes place in February and March:

February 7 and 8 – Third grade reading
March 6 and 7 – Third grade math
March 6, 7 and 8 – Fourth and fifth grade math (a.m.) and science (p.m.)
March 13 and 14 – Third grade writing
March 13, 14 and 15 – Fourth and fifth grade reading and writing

Spanish Enrichment, Inc.

Students can enjoy the wonder of learning another language right at school. Spanish Enrichment, Inc. provides before and after school Spanish classes for all grades. For more information and to register online, please visit

No School Days

Mark your calendar for upcoming days off at BRE:

Teachers Only – Friday, February 16
President’s Day – Monday, February 19
Teachers Only – Friday, March 2
Spring Break – March 26 – 30


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