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New precinct boundaries affect Castle Pines caucus locations

By Amy Shanahan

As evidenced by the Republican debates and the campaigning by both political parties, the national elections are quickly approaching. At a local level, both the Republican and Democratic caucuses will take place during the next few weeks.

It is important to note that due to census information, redistricting, and reapportionment, the Douglas County precinct numbers and caucus locations have changed for 2012. This will affect residents in Castle Rock, Castle Pines Village and the City of Castle Pines.

The Republican caucus will take place state wide on February 7, while the Democratic caucus will take place on March 6. Caucus is essentially a meeting of neighbors who elect the leaders for their particular precinct. These leaders then represent the precinct at the county level, and may be elected as delegates to other assemblies.

Caucus is also a time for discussion and voting on resolutions that affect the local neighborhoods. “Caucus is a wonderful way for residents to become actively involved in decision-making at a local level,” remarked Charcie Russell, a precinct committee person for the Republican party. “Anyone can propose a resolution about anything. Change can happen!”

In order to attend the caucus for either party, residents must be affiliated with a particular party, and pre-registration is available and encouraged.

Sarah Mann, chair of the Douglas County Democratic party stated, “Caucus is the first step in our Party’s nomination process.  This is a great time to get involved. It is going to be a busy year!”

For information about the upcoming Republican caucus, or for precinct boundaries and caucus location information, go to For more information about the local Republican party visit

For information about the upcoming Democratic caucus and local party information, go to


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