New name for crisis center; goal still to end violence
Submitted by the Crisis Center
From its inception in 1985, the Women’s Crisis & Family Outreach Center (WCFOC) has been working diligently on becoming a more inclusive organization. WCFOC continues to serve diverse groups of people who are victims of domestic violence and strives to develop programs that meet each individual’s needs, values and cultures.
The WCFOC’s vision is to end violence in the lives of all people, so to better reflect that goal they are changing the organization’s name to simply “Crisis Center.”
“We believe this is a clearer reflection of our services and our greater understanding of how violence in all its forms impacts our community and our world,” stated a spokesperson for the Crisis Center. “While our primary focus continues to be domestic violence and its impacts on families, we will also become a resource for information, understanding and education as it relates to all forms of violence.”
The next step for the Crisis Center is to provide the local community with information to help end violence. They urge all individuals to become educated about domestic violence prevention and the services the Crisis Center provides. “When violence happens in the home, it spills out into our world. We all need to take a stand against violence in all its forms.
For information about the Crisis Center, visit