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New cops in the city of Castle Pines

By Lisa Crockett

There’s a new sheriff in town. Or rather, a team of deputies from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) that will spend the next year working exclusively in Castle Pines.

Previously, officers were rotated through the community on a quarterly basis. However, starting in late January, Deputies Anthony McClarnon, Andy Glenn, Corey Chance, Matthew Crane, Adam Moorman and Mike Wolfe will spend all their time here, working various shifts to achieve around-the-clock coverage.

“This year we decided to do something different,” said captain of the DCSO patrol division Darren Weekly. “We think that having deputies assigned for a full year will provide consistency to the community.”

Weekly said an advantage of utilizing one group, rather than a rotating pool, is that officers can handle problems unique to the community without an adjustment period every three months.

“We especially see traffic problems associated with the schools in Castle Pines,” said Weekly. “This way the deputies can develop better relationships within the community, and know how to handle those problems in a unified way.”

Officers assigned to duty in Castle Pines actively sought the assignment, submitting proposals in order to be placed here.

“Officers coming to Castle Pines like the community and wanted to try something new,” said Weekly. “This is a little change of pace.”


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