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New Castle Pines city officials sworn in

By Steve Baska

Six Castle Pines residents were sworn into office during the city council meeting on January 14. Five of those were elected in November. The sixth, Diane Spomer, was appointed as city clerk.

The elected officials included Mayor Jeffrey Huff, who was re-elected; new councilmembers Rex Lucas of Ward 1; Resa Labossiere of Ward 2; Roger Addlesperger of Ward 3; and Gregg Fisher as city treasurer.

Mayor Huff said he’s looking forward to working with the new officials. “New city officials bring their own perceptions and ideas. I welcome that. I’ll be meeting collectively and individually with them.”

To introduce the new officials to the public, the city newsletter recently published their answers to the question “Why did you decide to run for office?” Resa Labossiere answered that, “I felt it was time that I quit talking and start doing.” Gregg Fisher said, “I want to help ensure that our city remains financially sound and viable as we continue to grow and as we strategically plan and prepare for future growth.” Roger Addlesperger answered that, “I was not comfortable with the policy and the direction the city council was going with our city.” And Rex Lucas replied that “I was asked to run by a friend and current council member. As a previous and current volunteer in various capacities, I enjoy serving my community.”

To learn more about the new city council members, visit


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