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New business segment coming this year

By Terri Wiebold; photo courtesy of Michelle Post

The Connection is pleased to announce the addition of a new monthly segment in the Business Briefs section of the paper starting next month, Business Bytes.

Written by social media strategist, connector, author and inspirational speaker Dr. Michelle Post, and influenced by the philosophy that in this fast-paced, technology-driven world we take in information in small amounts (micro bites), Business Bytes promises to give readers “chunks of learning” to help you succeed in your business.  

Business Bytes will cover topics on growth mindset, influencer marketing, purpose-driven marketing, developing strategies, building systems, and many other subjects in and around running a successful business.

Post joins The Castle Pines Connection writing team with aspirations to help others learn how to release their internal gifts for personal and professional success.  

We look forward to introducing you to some simple new concepts and reminding you of old ones.  Introducing Michelle Post …

“Hi, I am Michelle Post, and I am an addict –  a learning addict.  A junkie for information and knowledge.  A day does not go by that I am not reading, listening or watching something to grow my neural pathways.  However, I have come to realize learning without action just makes you great at Trivial Pursuit.  It takes action to lock in new learning.

As an avid learner, I have also discovered that we have an eight-second attention span and are easily distracted.  There is no such thing as multi-tasking.  Moreover, listening, watching, and playing on technology does more damage than good when it comes to learning something new.

It is necessary in this noisy world that we must focus on one learning bite at a time and then act on it.  Therefore, it is my goal with this new feature, Business Bytes, to provide ‘snackable bites’ of learning each month that you will be able to sink your teeth into and act on quickly.” 


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