Music of the Heart brings happiness to remote Haiti
Surrey Ridge resident Kim Butorac-Good (front row, center) celebrates the growth of Music of the Heart with its participants in the Fanfare St. Joseph L’Asile Marching Band in Haiti.
By Patte Smith; photo courtesy of Kim Butorac-Good
The Fanfare St. Joseph L’Asile Marching Band in Haiti has expanded from 17 musicians to 28, thanks to Music of the Heart, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization started in 2011 by Surrey Ridge resident Kim Butorac-Good.
“The program is going great,” smiled Butorac-Good. “The marching band program gives youth from ages 8 to 18 a chance to learn to play a musical instrument in impoverished L’Asile, be part of a marching band, and enjoy fellowship with other students. Our future plan is to add more students to our L’Asile program and start another music program in another Haiti village.
Many thanks to my generous and supportive friends in Surrey Ridge and Castle Pines, and a big thank you to Dan Parker at Colorado Institute of Musical Instrument Technology (CIOMIT) in Castle Rock who is a huge supporter of Music of the Heart. When the kids see their picture in the paper they think they are superstars, and they are!”
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