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Mission: STEM … back at BRE!

Buffalo Ridge Elementary students get ready to test their paper rockets alongside fifth grade teacher, Dana Sedersten.

By Elean Gersack; photo courtesy of Sandy Cranston

On November 19, kids at Buffalo Ridge Elementary School (BRE) were yet again treated to an after-school STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program.  This is the third year for the Mission: STEM after school offerings at BRE.  

This particular event focused on space adventures and was presented by the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and sponsored by United Launch Alliance (ULA).  Kids learned about how rockets are built and then had a chance to build and test their very own paper rocket.  They also learned about the solar system, constellations and more as they sat back in an inflatable planetarium.  As an added bonus, kids learned about the NASA Orion spacecraft that was recently launched by ULA for Lockheed Martin.  


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