Meet your new county commissioner, Roger Partridge
By Elizabeth Wood West; photo courtesy of Commissioner Roger Partridge
On Tuesday, January 8, Roger Partridge will be sworn in and begin his four-year term as Douglas County’s newest commissioner. Partridge is looking forward to elected office and is no stranger to public service, having previously served as a Douglas County Planning Commissioner. Partridge credits both his planning commission experience and owning his own physical therapy clinic for the past 26 years in preparing him for the job of county commissioner.
Partridge said, “I enjoyed the opportunity to serve in a citizen government position while on the Douglas County Planning Commission and wanted to take that further to a more involved role. As a commissioner, you have the ability to make a significant positive impact on the many aspects of daily living and the overall quality of life we all so enjoy here in Douglas County. Practicing in Douglas County for the last 26 years has provided me the opportunity to work with some of the ‘movers and shakers,’ along with ranchers, homemakers, teachers, professionals, and construction workers that have made this county what it is today,” he said.
Partridge’s top priorities as county commissioner will include working toward an executable and economical renewable water supply, finding solutions for traffic and transportation challenges in many areas of the county, further support for and the advancement of economic and job growth opportunities, and protecting the balance and quality of life in Douglas County.
Partridge holds an undergraduate degree in Health and Safety Education from Purdue University and double master’s degree in Athletic Training and Physical Therapy from West Virginia University and Arcadia University, respectively.
Douglas County’s new Commissioner, Roger Partridge, and wife, Nadine.
Partridge and his family moved to Douglas County in 1994 to be near his physical therapy practice in Castle Rock. Maintaining balance with his family and practice, while serving as county commissioner is important to Partridge. “I am blessed to have a very supportive wife, family, and co-worker network. Our two boys are now raised and we have a wonderful daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.
I have committed to being a commissioner full-time while others will be taking over my physical therapy commitments. However, at home, I am not exempt from doing chores inside the house and around the ranch!” he acknowledged jokingly.
Partridge and his wife, Nadine, like to relax by spending time at their ranch in Sedalia, working their horses and cattle, and enjoying the beauty of Colorado.