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Meet a vital team of Douglas County citizens

By Patte Smith

Little did I know when I attended a meeting about Medicare that I would stumble on a very worthwhile organization – Seniors’ Council Douglas County (SCDC).  The council was having its monthly meeting and had organized an educational Medicare meeting. The Medicare presentation was very thorough and the speakers were knowledgeable, but what impressed me the most was this unknown (to me) council of proactive older adults.

This tireless group of individuals strives to educate the community and provide a sounding board for senior residents to share their thoughts and advise Douglas County leaders about much needed programs.

Established in 1976, the council is guided by officers, including the chair, vice chair, secretary, education and outreach coordinator and membership chair.  The group serves two roles:  to educate the community through presentations, outreach efforts and participating at community fairs and events; and to identify the needs of the senior population by actively gathering information and brainstorming with the community for new ideas.  

The council then reviews the facts and ideas that are gathered at these community meetings and presents them to Douglas County leaders at the regional, county and community level.  When viable solutions are found to be necessary by the county leaders, and in the best interest of the senior population, the SCDC works closely with the county’s Community and Resource Services Department to implement the approved plans. Part of the implementation process is supporting the County in the application for grant money to fund these special projects.

“As the county’s staff liaison to the council, I am honored to work with such a dedicated, caring and motivated group of citizens,” stated Valerie Robson, adult services program manager for the Douglas County Community Development Department, Community and Resource Services.  “The council is a committed and active partner with Douglas County that helps to ensure that our community is truly a great place to ‘age well.’  We want to reach out as far as we can in Douglas County for new members to join us.”
Drop in to one of the monthly meetings and get acquainted with this hard-working group who is very welcoming and ready to add you to their ranks with a big cheer.  The meetings are held around the area and posted on the website.

For information about the SCDC, meeting locations, agendas and initiatives, as well as services and resources for seniors, visit On Facebook visit


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