Local kids send best wishes to our troops
Natalie Loebach, Loren Rylander, Madison Shepherd, Alex Campbell, and Cameron Wilson
are all seventh grade students at Rocky Heights Middle School who worked
together to show their support for our troops this Veterans Day.
By Amy Shanahan; photo courtesy of Becky Shepherd
Madison Shepherd, a seventh grade student at Rocky Heights Middle School has made a difference in the lives of many troops serving overseas. In honor of Veterans Day, Shepherd chose to show her support of our active troops by supporting a local organization called Colorado Supporting Our Troops (CSOT).
Shepherd recruited a group of fellow students and family members, and together they wrote cards and letters, collected donations of snacks and other items, and decorated boxes. The day after Veterans Day, the group delivered the items to the packing party that was sponsored by CSOT and their donations contributed toward sixty-eight care packages that were shipped out that week.
Shepherd particularly enjoyed writing the cards and letters but felt good about the effort overall. “I felt badly for our troops that are away from their families during the holidays and thought getting a present would make them feel better.”
For more information on CSOT, visit www.COSupportingOurTroops.com.