Local Business Owners Concerned about Possible Castle Pines Village Incorporation
Master Association Board President Maureen Shul
By Lane Roberts
On Friday, November 17, the Castle Pines North (CPN) Master Association hosted a meeting of all the local businesses within CPN. Dozens of business owners attended the meeting to learn more about how plans for the possible incorporation of Castle Pines Village could directly impact them.
During the meeting, Master Association Board President Maureen Shul presented business owners with proposed incorporation plans of the Village, which allegedly include annexing all the local businesses of the shopping centers in Castle Pines North. The Village currently does NOT plan to include the 3,000-plus homes within Castle Pines North as part of its incorporation.
Castle Pines North business owners voiced concerns and shared ideas with the Master Association. The Master Association will continue to move forward to determine the best possible avenue in which to protect both the homes and businesses of the community. To join the CPN Preservation Committee to work on this project, please e-mail cpnpc@cpnhoa.org or call 303-482-3078.