Kindness Week at RCHS
RCHS students Zoë Zizzo, Hannah Stephenson, and Isabella Broome distributed paper pinwheels to the school to raise awareness of child abuse during Kindness Week
Article and photo by Sarah Bermingham, RCHS intern writer
To celebrate the holiday season and give back to the community, Rock Canyon High School (RCHS) Random Acts of Positivity club (RAP) organized Kindness Week for the school during the first week of December. RAP collected money and toys to send to displaced children as well as spread positive energy throughout RCHS. Zoë Zizzo, RAP club president and sophomore student, explained how she wanted to make a positive impact on her community, stating, “We established Kindness Week in order to promote kindness and raise awareness on various topics such as child abuse and bullying.”
The RAP club is off to a great start. The club is halfway through its first year and has already done lots for children in need. The club focuses on helping children through traumatic experiences by giving them toys and blankets. Zizzo said, “This summer, I started the RAP club in order to create comfort totes for recently displaced children. I’ve heard stories of children who had been removed from their homes due to abusive or neglectful situations and tried picturing myself going through such a traumatic experience. I wanted to find ways to reduce their stress and let them know that they are loved, special and valued.” Zizzo’s passion for helping others has reminded the rest of the school how important it is to care for those who need help.
RCHS students contributed to a great cause while enjoying the great atmosphere Kindness Week created. Mikaya Jennings, Castle Pines resident and RCHS student explained, “Kindness Week was a great experience! I loved the positive energy everyone had!” During Kindness Week, RAP held a bake sale to raise money for the materials they needed to build comfort totes. The club also came up with themed dress-up days to raise awareness for bullying and child abuse. For example, on one day, students wore paper pinwheels to show their support against child abuse. Castle Pines resident Kennedy Scott said, “I loved showing my support for such a great cause and the smiles this week put on peoples’ faces.”
RAP is always collecting new or gently used toys, books, art supplies, blankets and games. For more information or to make a contribution to this great cause, contact Zizzo at