Kids at Buffalo Ridge Fuel Up to Play 60
BRE Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassadors, alongside chef Danny Flanagan from Sanctuary.
Article and photos by Elean Gersack
On Thursday, November 15, students at Buffalo Ridge Elementary School (BRE) enjoyed a high-energy visit from Miles, the Denver Broncos mascot, to kick-off the Fuel Up to Play 60 program.
Fuel Up to Play 60, sponsored by the NFL and the Western Dairy Association, encourages children to fuel up with breakfast everyday, eat more of the four (low-fat and fat-free milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and get at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. With online tracking at, it’s a breeze for students to calculate activity and nutrition.
BRE physical education teacher Ronda Gutierrez and parent volunteer Cari Ogg are leading the program at BRE, alongside sixteen health conscious fourth grade student ambassadors. “It is important to have student leaders to act as positive role models for the program and encourage their classmates to get 60 minutes of exercise a day,” shared Gutierrez. The sixteen had the chance to perform a fun rap during a recent school assembly.
The student ambassadors have already been hard at work gearing up for the program and learning about good nutrition. Together with Chef Danny Flanagan of Sanctuary, they have designed healthy energy bars called “Monkeying Around Oatmeal Bars” (consisting of bananas, chocolate chips, oats and more) and a “Grab-and Go Oatmeal Bar” as part of an oatmeal challenge.
The first challenge students will face is called the Healthy Living Challenge. It will consist of tracking nutrition and activity between November 16 and December 13. Individuals and classrooms will compete for top health honors, with prizes including signed Broncos merchandise and cooking lessons from Chef Flanagan.
Since becoming an ambassador, Kyle notes that he is doing better in school and sports and that overall he feels better. “It is important to be active to keep your heart healthy,” shared ambassadors, Lucy and Kelly.
Flanagan hopes the group can incorporate two or three yummy and healthy items into the school’s new Harvest Bar (a fully-loaded salad bar) and integrate nutritional learning into other subject areas. “I hope our students are more knowledgeable about their nutrition and more aware of their own personal fitness,” said Gutierrez.
Miles, the Denver Broncos mascot, gets kids excited about being active and eating healthy!