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Journey to wellness inspires life change

Sheri Aspinall of Canterbury and her dog Buckley. Aspinall experienced
yeast overgrowth which greatly affected her health and now she
helps others through bio-meridian testing.

By Lisa Nicklanovich; photo courtesy of Sheri Aspinall

It was 2009 when Sheri Aspinall of Canterbury noticed she wasn’t feeling well.  She was having trouble breathing, especially at night, and had very low energy and stomach pain.  Visits to Aspinall’s doctor and several specialists resulted in no answers and anti-anxiety medication was prescribed. Over the course of about four months, Aspinall had many tests and many visits to the emergency room and began to wonder if she was going crazy.  It was a scary time, but Aspinall’s persistence got her where she is today; she’s healthy and now helps guide others on their journey to wellness.

It was a chiropractor who conducted a thorough review of Aspinall’s history and a body scan which provided the information she desperately needed: she was riddled with bacterial overgrowth in her intestines and had parasites.  Aspinall said, “The chiropractor prescribed probiotics, a homeopathic anti-fungal to kill off the yeast and a parasitic cleanse. It was a challenge to start this journey and give my body the support it needed.”

Aspinall didn’t have the nutritional part of the puzzle yet though, so as her symptoms were starting to subside and she was rediscovering food again, she started eating the very foods that contributed to the problem. Gluten was the main culprit, so eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches nearly set her right back to where she started.  A second chiropractor told her to avoid wheat, and once she followed a simplified diet of avoiding gluten and wheat, Aspinall was on the path to being healthy. 

As her health improved, Aspinall emersed herself in the medical field and became a receptionist at Dr. Choi’s office at the Integrated Wellness Center in Parker in 2012. A year ago, Aspinall became trained in bio-meridian testing. Similar to the body scan her chiropractor had used, a bio-meridian test uses the principles of acupuncture pressure points and measures stress energy along specific meridians which correlate to organs in the body.  “I feel privileged and honored to be a part of guiding, supporting, and empowering patients with knowledge so they don’t have to go through what I went through,” Aspinall said. 

Aspinall has lived in Castle Pines for almost three years with her dog Buckley and cats, Py and Pepsi.  Aspinall is engaged and is hoping her daughter, son-in-law, and two grandkids will move from Kansas to Castle Pines someday.


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