Inspiring thespians in Douglas County
By Chris Bonham
Perhaps William Shakespeare said it best when he wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts …”
This is just one of the many truths that Colorado non-profit organization, Inspire Creative, holds near and dear. The organization has been around since 2007, helping actors and other professional artists develop and hone their talents.
“Inspire Creative is an artist-led organization. One key mission is to create places where creativity can happen. Where an idea can be given time, energy, and resources to grow,” the organization writes of its mission. “Whether we are touching the lives of children overseas, or those who are here at home, Inspire Creative works towards providing opportunities for artists, both young and old, to make a difference.”
In a world where funding for artistic endeavors is beginning to dwindle as more emphasis is placed on other subjects and careers, Inspire Creative hopes to be able to provide a place for artists to exercise their talents in a safe, comfortable environment that holds many opportunities for aspiring professional artists. Here in Douglas County, Inspire Creative boasts many different options for people hoping to get involved. Inspire Creative Kids, Inspire Main Stage, and Inspire Youth Chorale are just a few of the many outlets Inspire Creative has for artists.
Spring holds several new productions for the organization, so now is the perfect time to sign up for an audition, or possibly even donate to this non-profit that has added so much to the community.
Ralph Neumann, the founder of the organization, said, “Whether you are interested in auditioning for an upcoming show, or getting involved in one of our training or performance programs, the invitation is always the same – ‘Come play with us.'”
Learn more about Inspire Creative at