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How to find information about the ballot issues

by Linda Nuzum

Election season is in full swing! See below for resources to find information on the ballot issues:

How to get educated on STATEWIDE issues:

The official ballot information booklet (aka “Blue Book”) in regard to state issues has been sent to Colorado voters. Click to review PDF and audio versions available online.

The purpose of the blue book is to provide voters with a summary of the measure, the major arguments both for and against the measure, a brief fiscal assessment of the measure, and the full text of each initiated or referred constitutional amendment, law, or question on the ballot.

How to get educated on LOCAL issues:

Local issues are not covered in the Blue Book. Here’s

an overview of each of the local issues in the Castle Pines area.

Medical marijuana – Douglas County – Question 1A; City of Castle Pines North – Question 2D:

This is a hot topic throughout Douglas County and, in fact, all of Colorado. Earlier this year, the state revised laws about medical marijuana; patients and caregivers can continue to grow and use it, but cities and counties can now prohibit businesses which cultivate, distribute, or sell it.

Voters should note that those who oppose having medical marijuana businesses operating within their community should vote “YES” to prohibit them, and those who wish to allow the businesses should vote “NO” to defeat the prohibition.

Check coverage of this issue in the online version of The Castle Pines Conenction:

City of Castle Pines North name change – Question 2C:

Castle Pines North (CPN) voters will decide whether to change the city’s name from “City of Castle Pines North” to “City of Castle Pines.”

The City of CPN has adopted a resolution on this ballot issue. Also review the news story from The Castle Pines Connnection on this topic.

CPN Metro District Dissolution – City of CPN Question 2E:

This is a non-binding “poll” question placed on the ballot by the City of Castle Pines North.

The CPN Metro board adopted a resolution regarding Question 2E at its September 20 meeting.

CPN Urban Renewal Authority – City of CPN Question 300:

This question was placed on the ballot by citizen initiative, and asks the City of CPN’s voters to abolish the Urban Renewal Authority (URA).

Those who are in favor of keeping the URA will vote NO (do not abolish it), while those who oppose the URA will vote YES (abolish it). Question 300 has triggered much debate in the community, and issue committees are actively working for each side of the question:

The “Vote YES on 300” campaign is being run by Blight’s Not Right, (

The “Vote NO on 300” campaign is being run by Citizens to Protect Castle Pines North’s Future (

For more on the URA issue:

The language is shown on the ballot – those with mail ballots can read it directly, those who will vote at the polls can read the language on the sample ballot.
The CPN Master Association sent a mailing to all CPN homeowners with statements from both the YES and NO campaigns. Contact Barbara Finch by e-mail if you have not received your copy.

CPN’s city council has adopted a resolution on this issue.

Visit each campaign’s website for their pro and con positions – “Vote YES on 300” at, and “Vote NO on 300” at

Both campaigns have filed reports on campaign contributions and expenses through October 7, and updated reports were due to be filed on October 20. Interested voters may obtain a copy of these filings from City of CPN Clerk Carl Kollmar, at 303-705-0200, or send him an e-mail.

Want to know how to get educated about the issues on the ballot? Check our companion story.

Search for numerous stories in past issues of The Castle Pines Connection.


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