Good news! Recycling free at Community Recycling Center
By Patte Smith; photo courtesy of Castle Rock Community Green Team
It is Saturday morning and time to load recyclables into the car and drop them off for free at the Community Recycling Center in Castle Rock. This is great news for the communities and surrounding areas in Douglas County that are not currently offered recycling services.
Organized by a persistent group of recycling and conservation advocates, the Castle Rock Community Green Team (CGT) opened last December. The recycling center was established through a partnership with the Douglas County School District and the CGT. The center is located at 701 S. Prairie Hawk Drive on the grounds of the Douglas County School District-West Support Center at the southwest corner of Wolfensberger Road and Prairie Hawk Drive in Castle Rock. It is open to the public on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The site allows residents and businesses in Douglas County to drop off newspapers, cardboard, glass, plastic, and tin or aluminum. Volunteers from the CGT, as well as other community volunteers, staff the site to answer questions and ensure that acceptable items are recycled. This service is provided free to all Douglas County residents and business owners.
The site started with four bins and is up to six bins with an average of more than 100 cars going through it. In the first quarter of 2012, more than 10 tons of recycling materials were taken away – wow, that is a lot of recyclables!
Recycling may be the buzz word of the day, but this is important. Volunteers are always needed at the recycling center, so jump in (not in the dumpster) and help out by volunteering to work a shift on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. or 11a.m. – 1 p.m. It is a great way to meet new people and support the community. Donations are always welcome and forms for donating are located on the web site.
To volunteer, donate, or get more information about the recycling center go online to or e-mail.
The Castle Rock Community Green Team is always looking for new members and local residents to join them with its efforts toward sustainability and a green future. They meet monthly, every first Thursday of the month, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox Street in Castle Rock. If interested in joining the team, come to the next meeting.