Going on a Teddy bear hunt

Gavin and Blake Morris of the Forest Park neighborhood couldn’t contain their excitement upon finding their first of many Teddy bears perched in windows throughout the community. As of press time, there were 72 bears in Forest Park alone.
Inspired by the characters in Michael Rosen’s children’s book, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, families have found creative ways to pass the time these past few weeks. Working from home, online learning and “shelter in place” orders have residents being creative with their down time. Facilitated by Nextdoor, residents throughout the community perched Teddy bears in their windows for children to spot while on walks in the neighborhoods.
The Castle Pines Connection has joined in the fun by stashing jellybeans throughout this issue of the newspaper. See how many you and your children can count (E Guide excluded) and email your answer to editor@castlepinesconnection.com. You may be the winner of the $200 gift card to Boondocks!