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Garden Club tends to plants and people

By Amy Shanahan; courtesy photo

A very important tenet of the Castle Pines Village Garden Club (CPVGC) is to support local charities, in particular, the Douglas/Elbert Task Force and the Crisis Center.

The outreach committee of the CPVGC is actively involved with both of these worthwhile causes and makes sure to keep club members aware of their missions and actively support their causes through their gifts of time and treasure.  The club holds several events each year to lend financial support to these causes.   

On Tuesday, July 14 the club will host a benefit for the Crisis Center in order to celebrate its thirtieth year.  The evening will feature a talk given by renowned author and speaker Diann Kissell and author Kathy Bird.  Kissell and Bird worked together to publish Kissell’s memoir “A Turquoise Life: One Woman’s Triumphant Journey, ” a heartbreaking yet uplifting account of Kissell’s life.

Kissell is a Denver native who experienced abuse at a very young age after which her father took the lives of his pregnant wife and three of Kissell’s siblings.  In the book, Kissell shares her journey from a traumatized child to the strong, compassionate and happy woman that she is today.  Kissell has been featured on The Oprah Show and her book has earned wonderful reviews as a story of redemption and the power of the human spirit.

CPVGC member Virginia Forstmann worked to bring this event to fruition.  “I personally am looking forward to hosting this event because I believe we live in an age of victimhood,” remarked Forstmann.  “Many have chosen to remain a victim of their trauma rather than seeking ways to heal.  Diann Kissell shows that healing is possible if one has the courage, the resilience, and the endurance to seek personal healing which results in a truly happy life.  Diann offers hope to all victims.”

The evening with Kissell and Bird will take place on Tuesday, July 14 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Philip S. Miller Library in Castle Rock.  The evening is free of charge, however a suggested donation of $10 is encouraged at the door in support of the Crisis Center.  “A Turquoise Life” is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  

To learn more about the CPVGC, visit and to learn more about the Crisis Center, visit


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