Fun in sports starts here
Submitted by Lane Roberts, Castle Pines Athletics
Each year, more than 20 million children register to play youth sports in this country. According to the National Alliance of Sports, 70 percent of these children quit playing league sports by age 13. They never play again. With figures like these, it is time to look at new ways to offer sports to children. It’s time to put the “fun” back into sports.
Now launching its fourth year, Castle Pines Athletics focuses on keeping sports fun for children ages 3 to fourth grade. The program teaches the basic fundamentals of each sport, while promoting good sportsmanship and simply learning how to be part of a team. The co-ed program is perfect for beginners or children who enjoy playing sports just to have fun.
“Instead of focusing on winning, we concentrate on teaching kids how to play and enjoy sports,” said Shannon Terry, manager for Castle Pines Athletics.
Focusing on the element of play in any sports activity can start at a young age. “We teach the basics of soccer starting at just three years old with our Soccer Tot program,” said Terry. “We don’t worry about keeping score or enforcing all the rules at this age. We focus on kicking, running and understanding the game, and hopefully lots of smiles. Our goal is to make it fun so that they want to play again the next season.”
For the elementary school-aged child, it is important to be aware of what kids can accomplish at the different developmental levels, both physically and emotionally. “We all want our children to succeed to the best of their abilities, but we keep expectations and goals attainable and realistic when it comes to sports performance,” continued Terry. “Many kids are still trying to develop muscle coordination and attention spans.”
In addition to offering a “toned down” sports experience, Castle Pines Athletics also offers convenience by hosting all practice and games at the four local community parks in Castle Pines.
Registration for spring soccer is now underway. Sign up for co-ed soccer for ages 4 to fourth grade. For three-year-olds, Soccer Tots is back again this year. The deadline to register for spring soccer and avoid a late fee is February 15th. The season runs March 19 to May 19.
Playing “just for fun” is highly encouraged at Castle Pines Athletics. Everyone’s a winner in our program and everyone has the opportunity to improve. Sign up today and put the “fun” back in sports. Learn more about Castle Pines Athletics at