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Forest Park Wine Soiree

The torrential downpour did not dampen the wine tasting and neighborly bonding for homeowner friends in the Forest Park neighborhood last month.

The annual wine soiree for the Forest Park neighborhood works like this: each guest brings two bottles of their favorite wine to share. This year was the third annual event and featured eight tables, with each table having five different wines for tasting in a blind taste test. Votes were cast, and each guest who guesses the best bottle wins a prize. This year, it was customized stemless wine glasses.

The neighborhood social committee puts it together with the help of volunteers. Charcuterie treats and fruits complement the wines. Sarah Zales, with the social committee said, “Our neighborhood includes families and individuals in all phases of life, from young families to empty nesters and grandparents. We want to create a tight-knit community that brings everyone together. Our social events help to build relationships and connections in our own backyards and hopefully in turn enhances our day to day lives.”

This year was the biggest yet with more than 70 Forest Park neighbors coming together.



Article and photos by Karen Leigh



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