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Fearless, competitive, successful

woman on horse jumping in obstacle course

Emily Wilcox and Enzo making an impact in national competition in the Jumper discipline.

Some of us start the day with yoga, meditation or prayer, or simply sipping our coffee while reading our paper or checking emails. Others, maybe a little more of the “hair on fire” style of trying to get everyone out the door on time.

For Esperanza neighbor Emily Wilcox, she spends her mornings before work, five days a week, with her soul mates: 15-year-old Enzo and 11-year-old Daily, her horses.

Emily shared, “It sets the tone for my day. I get out there and no matter what else is going on in my life, that is the time that I carve out for myself; no phone, no emails, I just focus on my horses.”

She rides what is referred to as the Hunter/Jumper discipline and competes nationally 12-14 weeks a year in Jumper competitions, a timed race on a designated course. Currently, Emily and her horse are jumping 1.20/1.25 meter fences. Last year, she ranked fourth in the nation.

Emily is fearless and competitive, both in riding and at her job as the President and CEO of Epic Broadband Solutions. She took over the reins of the struggling company in 2008 and has made it wildly successful, garnering the recognition of Colorado’s Titan 100 list this year.

“Getting the call that I was on the Titan 100 list was an incredible feeling of recognition and achievement. It felt validating to see the hard work and dedication acknowledged among such an esteemed group,” Emily said.

She also said it motivates her to do more. Bettering Epic means bettering the lives of those she employs.

“The greatest thing about Epic is to have a vehicle to help people make money, enjoy life, and better their lives in the process,” Emily added. “I do not see myself doing anything else. I genuinely love going into the office; the energy is so good, welcoming and motivating.”

Emily sits in gratitude and counts her blessings, which include her two incredible kids: Edward “Tripp” (21) and Elianna (18), both graduates of Rock Canyon High School and products of the Douglas County School District.

Tripp is pursuing his dream of biomedical engineering at The Ohio State University, and Elianna studies forestry and fire science/psychology at Cal Poly in hopes of becoming an FBI agent. Emily has no doubt they will both succeed in their efforts.

Emily has tried to teach her kids invaluable life lessons, lessons she lives by herself.

“Confidence is key, and pursue your passion because joy and fulfillment come from doing things you love,” Emily said. “Embrace failures. Mistakes and setbacks are part of the journey. Be persistent. Success comes from consistency and rarely happens overnight.”

Emily advised to take care of yourself, enjoy the journey and give back. “You have to be fearless to be successful; the horses help me recognize that.”

Emily Wilcox and her kids Elianna and Tripp on vacation in Belize.


By Karen Leigh; photos courtesy of Emily Wilcox



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