DCCF focuses on Hearts & Hands Fund
By Patte Smith, photo courtesy of Hutch Tibbetts, Douglas County Libraries
The Douglas County Community Foundation (DCCF) held its annual Focus Forward Breakfast on April 25 at the Charles Schwab Conference Center in Lone Tree. Speakers addressed the critical needs of Douglas County residents and explained the foundation’s Hearts & Hands Fund that was established in 2018. The fund will provide annual grants to specific Douglas County nonprofit organizations. In 2019, the focus will be on healthy families, such as including services for mental health, nutrition and safe homes.
Guest speaker Bruce DeBoskey, J.D., a philanthropic strategist, spoke to the audience about the importance of educating and encouraging Douglas County donors. Donations to Colorado Gives Day and Douglas County Gives continue to rise thanks to the generosity of residents in our community, but many donations do not go to support the local nonprofits in the county.
The DCCF helps donors to make thoughtful decisions and to understand the impact of their donations when giving. The organization inspires generosity and encourages volunteering. For more information about the clear purpose of “thoughtful” giving, visit dccf.org.