DCSM runs for fun and funds
Calvin Ko (left) and Nicholas Gaither (right) from Ms. Jennifer’s fourth grade class did their share of laps to help raise over $48,000 for their school.
Article by Valerie Lockey; photos courtesy of Kristina Sheppard
School funding has changed during the past few years, and DCS Montessori (DCSM) is finding creative ways to meet funding needs by incorporating efforts into the classroom. DCSM holds a Fun Run in which all students participate in the activity and the fundraising.
The students enjoyed the challenge of trying to surpass the number of laps they ran last year and raising additional funds for items specific to their grade level. The parents enjoyed cheering on the children and encouraging them to keep running for the ten minute class time allotment.
Ms. Andrea, an upper elementary guide, has incorporated the fundraising efforts and classroom challenges into her lesson plans.
The comparisons led to determining how much additional money Ms. Andrea’s class needed to surpass the class ahead of them in the fundraising efforts and how close the class behind them was to catching up. At the end of the day Ms. Andrea’s class had obtained the highest participation percentage.
The 2012 Annual Fun Run surpassed the 2011 amount, with students raising more than $48,000. Money raised by the Fun Run will go towards upper elementary learning materials, the new middle school facilities and transportation, lower elementary gardens and the addition of shade trees to the primary playground.
Students and parents alike enjoyed the Fun Run. It has been a great way to get the children active, bring real life lessons into the classroom, and bring the Montessori community together with a fun fundraiser.