County Working Toward Healthier Lunch Menu
by Anthonette Klinkerman
Nutrition studies at school have spilled from the health and Home Economics classes into the cafeteria. Douglas County School District hired Brent Craig as the new nutrition services director last summer. His goal is to wean the schools from previous food service contracts by June 30, 2008.
Instead of the prepackaged selections from food service corporation giants, Craig is picturing healthier items made “from scratch.” Saving money at the expense of proper nutrition for students did not make sense to him.
Current warehouses need improvements in order to keep fresh menu items stored, but Craig sees this as an opportunity to create both community and student involvement as new food items are developed.
The recent nutrition revamping has been in the works since 2004, when the U.S. Congress passed the WIC Reauthorization Act. The act states that all school boards of education focus on wellness by addressing nutrition standards, physical activity, and nutrition education.
Craig feels that “excellent food” is a big part of this process, and he is confident his team can meet this new standard.