County Delays Plans for New Trail in CPN
By Terri Wiebold
The October issue of The Connection reported that a new trail, extending north from Coyote Ridge Park to Rocky Heights Middle School in Highlands Ranch, would be opening in the Castle Pines North community by Thanksgiving. Plans for completion of the trail have recently been delayed.
According to Douglas County Parks and Trail Director, Ron Benson, the construction of the east/west trail is being pushed back until early 2007. This decision came after bids for the civil construction portion of the project were more than the County had expected, and it will be re-bidding the project later this fall or early 2007.
“This will push the construction back to early 2007, with an anticipated completion of spring 2007,” said Benson.
The County anticipates having a grand opening celebration in June, 2007 for National Trails Day. A map of the proposed trail project can be found at
For additional information about the project, contact Ron Benson at 303-660-7489 or Douglas County Parks and Trail Planner, Randy Burkhardt, at 303-663-6226.