Citizen Input Needed for Air Traffic Abatement
Maureen Shul, Vice President of the CPN Master Association Board of Directors, has taken on the issue of excessive Air Traffic over the CPN neighborhood. She reports that the “150 Study” (which contained 12 recommendations for future noise mitigation policies) was forwarded to the FAA in August, 2003. The FAA has been slow on this issue, but things seem to be moving again and the study should be finalized sometime this year. These 12 recommendations and other information on this study can be obtained through the website at:
After this finalization, there will be a 180-day period for final comment from the public on the noise abatement issues, after which the FAA will make its final determinations.
“It is this public comment period that will be most important for us, as the more people we can get to offer their comments during this forum, the better,” said Shul.
Shul reports that according to Mike Fronapfel, the Noise Complaint Coordinator at Centennial, no inbound or outbound routes have changed. However, if pilots are changing course outside their regulated air space, that is an issue that needs to be reported.
Although there has been an increase in jet traffic at Centennial, total traffic has decreased.
Since Centennial cannot now implement any noise monitor systems or flight tracking systems, they are dependent upon public input to monitor noise complaints (especially any aircraft between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am).
Citizens can call in their complaints to the Noise Complaint Hotline at 303-790-4709.
Shul will be attending the next Citizens Advisory Meeting at Centennial Airport in May, and will give a report at the May CPN Master Association Meeting.
For more detailed information, or to participate in the public comment forum later this year, please call Maureen at 720-733-0491.