Checkoff Colorado makes giving a breeze
By Kathy Dunker with photo courtesy of the Colorado Unwanted Horse Alliance
It’s that time of year again. Tax season is in our midst and Checkoff Colorado makes it super easy to contribute to numerous charitable organizations with a simple check mark on your tax return.
Checkoff contributions are voluntary donations from your tax refund or can come from an additional amount voluntarily added to a tax payment. Thirty-five years strong, Checkoff Colorado is requesting that every taxpayer donate $35, which would make a big difference for our environment, homeless prevention, military families, Make-A-Wish, Alzheimer’s patients, pets, unwanted horses, victims of domestic violence, multiple sclerosis patients, healthy rivers, the 2-1-1 emergency assistance hotline, Goodwill, and cancer treatment.
Hildy Armour, president of the Colorado Unwanted Horse Alliance (CUHA), remarked, “Our current estimate is that an additional 6,000 horses become unwanted in the state each year. With the estimated capacity of the fifty plus rescues in the state being approximately 2,400, it is clear why this is a growing problem!”
CUHA is building a database of the horses in Colorado that are available for adoption from horse rescues. The database is designed to manage the unwanted horses in the state as a herd. “We are excited to be part of Checkoff Colorado again this year as it helps us help these horses!”
For more information about Checkoff Colorado, visit
And for more information about CUHA and horses available for adoption, visit