Centennial Airport Update – Plans for Residential Development Crash & Burn
by Terri Wiebold
The land once slated for 1,600 residential homes known as the Tanterra Development near Centennial Airport will instead become soccer fields, open space and airport-compatible businesses under a deal brokered with Dove Valley Business Park Associates, Ltd. by the airport and the Arapahoe County Board of Commissioners in June.
The proposed residential development could have impacted the existing flight patterns for Centennial Airport, drastically impacting flight patterns and increasing noise levels over Castle Pines North (CPN).
“I am very pleased about this transaction because it prevents homes from being built in an area that would have exposed future residents to noise and overflight at very close quarters,” said Executive Director of Centennial Airport Robert Olislagers. “It also protects the long-term viability of the airport as a result,” he continued.
According to Olislagers, the airport is in the process of getting all of the financing in place to secure the area for nonresidential development. The agreement is tentatively scheduled to close September 14. The total transaction will top an estimated $10 million.
New open space and recreational opportunities are also being created, which Olislagers said is a “win-win” for everyone, including CPN residents.