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Celebrating Constitution Day

Ryan Kolb, Castle Pines American Academy campus Dean of Students, commemorates Constitution Day by reading about the signing of the Constitution to a fourth grade classroom

By Julie Matuszewski; photos courtesy of American Academy

On Tuesday, September 17, all American Academy (AA) campuses held a day of celebration in honor of Constitution Day. Students and staff adorned the school halls with red, white and blue, stars and striped socks and shirts.

Per the Library of Congress website, Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787 and “recognizes all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens.” AA marks this day a priority each year. The Dean of Students at each campus assisted with campus activities for all teachers, staff and students. Although each campus and classroom had different activities, everyone learned something about this important day in history.

Dean of Students at the Castle Pines campus, Ryan Kolb, said it is imperative for the students to have an understanding of American history. Kolb loves that he had the support from the teachers to visit their classrooms to read and have discussions with the students. Kolb shared that he is always amazed at how much the students already know and how eager they are to share their knowledge not only with him, but with their classmates.

Is was a great day of celebration for the AA campuses and fun for all wearing their American flair of stars and stripes, red white and blue.

Second grade students (left to right) Nora Sager, Molly Engerman, Mackenzie Adams, Isaac Knisley, Andreas Boozer, Ryder Smith and Adelyn Knisley make a human star while discussing lessons learned in American history.

Dressed in full American flair, Castle Pines campus second grader Holden Moon gives a thumbs up in honor of the Constitution Day celebration.


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