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Caught with Friendship!

Back Row: Nicole (Mrs. Kennedy); Lexi Wirkus (Ms. Carter); Elizabeth Curtright
(Mrs Phelan); Chelsea Gause (Mr. Jenson); Lawrence Shook (Mrs. Sedersten).
Middle Row: Jameson Shanahan (Mrs. Shepherd); Jessica Bentley (Mrs. Brester);
Rachel Ansay (Mrs. Pedrett); Ashley Zbylski (Mrs. Pinke); Madison Pickett
(Mrs. Jaramillo); Megan Golba (Mrs. Herzog). Front Row: Zachary Ruggee
(Mrs. G.); Caden Brester (Mrs. Shaffner); Avery Rickel (Mrs. Wedge); Avarie Perovich
(Mrs. Lang); Karsten Fisch (Mrs. Miller); Melissa Caid (Mrs. Coombs); Ryan Carlson
(Mrs. Davis AM); Lily Corbetta (Mrs. Jacowa
y); Hailey Taylor (Mrs. Davis PM).

As part of Buffalo Ridge’s character education program, Caught with Character, students were “caught with friendship” during the month of December. Congratulations to these students who were selected as their classroom character representative for the month!


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