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Buffalo Ridge reminds parents of DCSD’s pet policy

Cari Ogg waits patiently with Kona, Karma, Misty and Oliver, far from where students gather at morning drop off and afternoon pick up at Buffalo Ridge Elementary.

Article and photo by Liz Jurkowski

In an e-mail to parents on March 3, Buffalo Ridge Elementary’s (BRE) interim principal, Carrie Rotherham, reminded parents of the school district’s policy regarding pets on school property. She went on to say, “I am asking that parents please refrain from bringing any dogs onto campus during school hours. This will include drop off and pick up times.”

While some dog-loving parents were saddened by the directive, most followed the new rule immediately. One said, “It’s kind of a bummer, but I totally understand.” Another said, “I’ll just have to take my dog for walks at other times of the day.”

Other parents, like Cari Ogg, who has a daughter in fourth grade at BRE, still walk their dogs to school for the morning drop off and afternoon pick up, but stand across the street, or well away from the “walker door.” Ogg says, “We’ve been lucky for a long time at BRE to be able to bring our dogs. This is just one more in a long line of changes being brought down by the district that doesn’t always have the best interests of our kids in mind. Losing our principal and then the dogs caused some tears for a few kiddos.”

It seems everybody understands the purpose of DCSD’s pet policy is to protect the children, so while it may add a couple extra walks for Fido at other times of the day, nobody is too upset about following the rule. One parent adds, “I get it, it’s just been hard explaining it to my dog.”

Policy referencing dogs on campus

“Douglas County School District welcomes students, parents and the public to visit and use school grounds and facilities when such visitation or use does not interfere with educational, co-curricular or extra-curricular use. Persons using or upon School District property for any purpose shall not engage in:

“Bringing animals onto school property with the exception of guide or assistance dogs, or except as specifically authorized by the building principal or other school official.”


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