Bright future for Infinite Future founder and family
By Elizabeth Wood West with photo provided by Craig Williams II
Western New York native and Castle Pines resident Craig Williams II is working to make his future and that of others a better place. Williams is the founder of Infinite Future, a company that specializes in environmental consulting services for businesses and residences.
Williams’ passion for making our world more sustainable and renewable is matched by his optimism and drive to learn and grow, both personally and professionally.
Williams is a full-time student at Metropolitan State College working towards his bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, followed by a Certificate of Environmental Sustainability from the University of Denver. Williams said, “I read a lot. In that process, I have learned about the current precarious situation that we, as humanity, are in. I have also learned that we have many ways out of this situation and that many people have started moving us in the right direction. So, I’ve decided to join them,” he said.
Williams and his fiancée Dana Martin have three children, and together they are building Infinite Future. The business was started in early 2009 for, as Williams puts it, “Our children, your children, and for humanity. There are many issues that are very important in today’s world. However, none of those matter if we don’t have a livable environment. The good news is that we have the ability to create a world that is sustainable, renewable, and supportive of humanity. We have the ability to live in harmony with our habitat,” said Williams.
As Williams works hard to obtain his degree, he continues to grow his business by marketing locally. Williams said he is most proud of getting an aquaponics system installed, with the assistance of Colorado Aquaponics, at DCS Montessori Charter School in Castle Pines, whereby students and faculty learn about ecology and environment from a small-space ecosystem.
“I look forward to continuing to work with the local schools and with the city government to help our city become sustainable,” Williams said.
For information about Infinite Future, contact Craig Williams II at 303-330-5541 or visit