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August Dear Mrs. A

Dear Mrs. A,

We’re so excited about the BMW Golf Championship this month! Could you please remind us of all-around good golf fan etiquette?

– Proud in the Pines

Dear Readers,

Golf etiquette is essential for a respectful and enjoyable experience for all and includes the following elements:

  • SILENCE AND STILLNESS: Stay quiet and still when a player is preparing and making a shot. Avoid talking, moving, or making any noises that could distract the players. CELL PHONES SHOULD BE TURNED OFF AND PUT AWAY (or at the very least on silent or vibrate mode).
  • RESPECT THE COURSE: Stay off the greens, tee boxes, and fairways. Follow designated paths.
  • APPLAUSE AND CHEERS: Applaud good shots and show appreciation for players, but do so at appropriate times. Avoid cheering or making noise during a player’s swing.
  • FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS: Adhere to instructions from marshals, volunteers and event staff. They help maintain order and ensure safety.
  • PROPER ATTIRE: Dress appropriately for the event, following any specific dress codes set by the tournament. Golf casual attire is recommended.
  • AUTOGRAPHS DURING PLAY: Refrain from asking for autographs while players are on the course. Wait until they are in designated autograph areas.
  • STAY BEHIND THE ROPES: Stay within designated spectator areas and behind ropes that separate fans from players and the course.
  • TRASH AND RECYCLING: Use trash and recycling bins provided. Please keep the course clean.
  • FOOD & ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: Drink responsibly and be mindful of your behavior. No outside food or alcohol is allowed.
  • PETS are not allowed.
  • By following these guidelines, fans can contribute to a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone!

To learn more about the PGA TOUR’s bag policy and what items are allowed and not allowed to bring to the tournament, visit

Y’all Have Fun!

Big Love,

Mrs. A




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